Set in Chicago during the aftermath of a massive earthquake, I Am Alive challenges players to simply survive. IO Interactive has said the game is on their "to-do" list, let's just hope it's fairly high up. Freedom Fighters ended on a cliffhanger, but we have still yet to see a sequel since the game's 2003 release. Featuring an alternate universe where Russia wins the Cold War and invades modern day America, Freedom Fighters actually makes you feel like a member of a resistance, liberating sections of New York City one at a time, all with some of the best squadmate control in gaming. Modern Warfare 2 and Homefront may feature America being invaded by opposing countries, but Freedom Fighters did it first, and, frankly, it did it better. Intended to be released as a free download, Black Mesa's release date is now officially TBA after years of delays. First announced in 2004, Black Mesa is a fan made remake of the original Half-Life using the Source engine, being developed in response to Valve's lackluster Half-Life: Source. Here are those games.īlack Mesa is almost as infamous as Half-Life 3 in terms of anticipation. With Forever unleashed into the world, something is gonna have to fill the "in development so long that it's funny" void that it's leaving behind. It's been a long wait for Duke Nukem Forever, but now, it looks like its release is finally just over the horizon.

By Jake Weston, posted on 06 June 2011 / 20,024 Views