with this update, it should works on all days now. it didn't work properly on Day 3 (and theoretically on day 7 too), which would just switching back and forth between day start (6am of current day) and day end (5:59am of next day). lightning coordinates, and the last created marker / moving marker coordinates can be found in the category too. grouped the movement related scripts into the category. thought of just replacing the Float script for good, but I'll just leave it in the table in case any of you prefer that over this new script. it's removed and reduced the size for 1MB. forgot to remove a structure that would take up unnecessary space. added some pointers to Lightning's base stats shared by. added pointers to the Stats Modifier of Highlighted Weapons/Shields based on the findings of. added one more injection point to grab the in-menu flag, you won't fly the character around by accident when you're in the menu now. added No-clip as an alternate fly mode. updated, added some bad pointer check to the script. updated Ignore Gil, a few quest item can't be bought with the old version. at least not until I play the game again that is. hopefully the last updated for a while. updated, using another injection point to fetch the player coord base, which is much more reliable, and the stuttering caused by the bad pointers check from the old player coord check when using Fly should be eliminated. Float's allows you to setup different methods for Lightning on foot and on Chocobo. Fly is changed to No-clip, and the hot-keys to toggle between Fly/No-clip is removed. also the flying keys won't be interfered with Float activated anymore. Fly's player identification is updated, it works on both Lightning on foot and on Chocobo now. Walk allows you to setup different walk keys for Lightning on foot and on Chocobo updated Undead, poison won't kill you anymore.

(seriously, anyone know how to use mouse control on this game?) and the keyboard scheme is confusing, gotta plug-in the controller.) may or may not work on the latest game update. Re-post of the table I uploaded on the original forum.